Monday, April 1, 2013

Bushpunk combines different worlds of outback and technology




darryl bartlett,



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ABOVE, BRAIN WAVE: Darryl Bartlett started Bushpunk with his Australian outback inspired internet kiosks.
ABOVE, BRAIN WAVE: Darryl Bartlett started Bushpunk with his Australian outback inspired internet kiosks. Linden Morris

ARTISTIC inspiration can come from anywhere and Darryl Bartlett found his when he decided to combine his loves of technology and the Australian outback.

The creator of Bushpunk said there were many reasons propelling his decision to pursue the unique form of art.

?I have been doing this since the beginning of last year,? Mr Bartlett said.

?At the time I started there was an art movement called Steampunk that I had been following.

?It is about making technology look like it is from the Victorian era.

?I loved the concept and was already doing bush inspired work so decided to Australianise the idea and start Bushpunk.?

Mr Bartlett said with his concept figured out, it was a matter of applying it to technology.

?I was looking for a way to make a passive income and express my art,? he said.

?I had the motivation to do internet kiosks at the time as I had worked with them in the late 1990s.?

Mr Bartlett said once he had the challenge of starting his own business, he rose to the occasion and everything went from there.

?It was a great way of combining all my loves into one -

wood and metal work, computers, technology and software,? he said.

?I have had good responses from people as well ? they love the designs and the colours.?

Mr Bartlett said his expansion from internet kiosks to home computers was a natural move.

?I had had the idea for some time and when the rain set in I could no longer work on my sculpture outside so I started the computer,? he said.

?They are made to order in whatever colour and size monitor you want.

?I make them in primary colours and pink.?

Mr Bartlett said the other concept behind Bushpunk was ?using what was on hand? and this is evident by the method of making it.

He said any piece started with sketching until he was happy with the design.

?I then go and find the fallen timber and cut up what I

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